Should I Go Back to School?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

If you're looking for new challenges or have been unemployed for more than a few months, you might be wondering if you should go back to school. Every professional should strive to participate in professional development opportunities, but going back to school doesn't always make sense. Here are several things to consider if you are thinking about enrolling in a degree program or taking a certification course.

Before you make your decision, consider the financial implications. If paying for additional schooling increases your earning potential, going back to school might make sense. If you aren't sure how additional schooling can help you, talk to industry leaders. Find out what hiring managers look for when they hire new employees. If you already have the minimum education required for the job you want, another degree or certification might not be worth the expense.

Also consider your budget and current financial situation. Due to rising tuition costs, getting a degree can be prohibitively expensive, especially if you don't make a lot of money. If you want to take out student loans to pay for your education, you need to have a plan for paying them back. Most student loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy, so even if you fall on hard times, there's often no way to escape education-related debt. If you are currently having trouble making ends meet, work on improving your financial situation before you make such a significant investment.

Going back to school can boost your income, but you may not be able to balance a rigorous degree program with the demands of your current job. If you can't afford to quit your job to go back to school, you need to think carefully about whether you have what it takes to work full-time and take classes every semester. If you are organized and committed to your education, you might be able to do it. If you already have trouble completing work tasks, it may not be wise to add another commitment to your schedule.

If you are thinking about enrolling in a lengthy degree program, find out if there are other ways to gain the knowledge and skills you need to advance your career. You might be able to move up by obtaining a professional certification or using the educational resources available to you at work. If you just need to develop one or two new skills, take a class at your local community college or participate in some workshops. Although degrees are very valuable, you don't necessarily need a degree to develop new skills.

Professional development is important for employees in every industry. If you think going back to school is the best way to develop your professional skills, think carefully before you sign up for classes. You need to consider your financial situation and career goals before you make any decisions.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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